Pull Me Up Cake Recipe by SooperChef

Wall's Cookies and Cream, Pull me up Cake or Tsunami Cake is one of the tempting and satisfying cake recipes. It's a treat to your eyes but when served with Wall's Cookies and Cream, it's a treat to taste buds too. Try out this delicious Combination of Pull me up Cake with Wall's Creamy Delights and let us know how it turned out.

#Walls #SathChaleinKhusiyaan

Pull me up Cake with Ice Cream

Ingredients for Chocolate Sponge:
All-purpose flour 3/4 cup
Cocoa powder 1/4 cup
Baking powder 1 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
Egg whites 4
Icing sugar 1/2 cup
Egg yolks 4
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp.

Ingredients fir Cookies and Cream Cheese Mousse:
Wall’s Cookies and Cream 4 scoops
Cream cheese 1 cup
Salt 1/4 tsp
Icing sugar 1/2 cup
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Lemon zest 1 tsp
Gelatin (melted) 3 tbsp.
Whipping cream 1 cup

Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache:
Chocolate chunks 1 cup (300 g)
Cream 1 ½ cup
Powdered sugar 2 tbsp.

Ingredients for Assembling:
Chocolate sponge
Cookies and cream cheese mousse
Chocolate ganache
Silver balls
Wall’s Cookies and Cream
Wall’s Cornetto

Directions for Chocolate Sponge:
1. In a bowl add flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder, salt and whisk well.
2. In another bowl add egg whites and beat until foamy. Gradually add icing sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
3. Now add egg yolks one by one and beat until well incorporated. Add dry ingredients and fold until fully mixed. Add vanilla essence, oil and mix again with spatula.
4. Transfer the batter into greased baking pan and bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 35 minutes.
5. Transfer to a cooling rack and let it cool at room temperature.
Directions for Cookies and Cream Cheese Mousse:
6. In a bowl add cream cheese, sugar, salt, vanilla essence, lemon zest and beat until smooth for 2 minutes. Your cream cheese mixture is ready.
7. In another bowl add whipping and whip until fluffy and stiff peaks form.
8. Add cream cheese mixture and gelatin to whipped cream and beat until well combined.
9. Now add Cookie & Cream and fold until well combined. Your Cookies and Cream Cheese Mousse is ready. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
Directions for Chocolate Ganache:
10. In a bowl add chocolate chunks, cream, powdered sugar and microwave for 2 minutes.
11. Now rest for 2 minutes and whisk in until everything has melted and incorporated.
Directions for Assembling:
12. Cut the chocolate sponge into thin sheets.
13. Take one sheet and top it with Cookies and Cream Cheese Mousse evenly, place another sheet and spread Cookies and Cream Cheese Mousse again. Repeat this step again.
14. Wrap a plastic sheet around the cake. Tie a ribbon around it.
15. Pour the chocolate ganache over the cake. Add silver balls on top.
16. Pull the plastic sheet up and let the chocolate ganache flow freely. Scoop cookies and cream ice-cream and cornetto on top.
17. Your Pull me up cake is ready.
Preparation time: 40 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
Servings: 4-5
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