Pork and Pickled Plums Takikomi Gohan (Recipe) 豚肉と梅の玄米炊き込みご飯 (レシピ) | ochikeron

Very healthy, tasty, savory, and superb nourishing Takikomi Gohan using pork and Umeboshi (pickled plums).

Takikomi Gohan (炊き込みご飯) is a Japanese seasoned rice dish cooked with meats or fish and vegetables. You can use a rice cooker to make this dish, so all you have to do is to place the ingredients in a rice cooker :) Very easy!!!

Pork and Pickled Plums Takikomi Gohan

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 1hr 15min (incl. cooking time)
Number of servings: 4

100g (3.5oz.) thinly sliced pork
2 cups uncooked Japanese rice (you can mix white and brown rice)
50g (1.7oz.) onion
2 Umeboshi (pickled plums)
garlic chips
* 2 tbsp. soy sauce
* 1 tbsp. sake
* 1 tbsp. mirin (sweet sake)
2 tsp. sesame oil
white sesame seeds
chopped scallion (green onion)

1. Mince the onion. Cut the pork into bite-size pieces.
2. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add the onion and the pork, then saute until cooked and tender. Stop the heat and let it cool until just warm.
3. Wash rice if needed. Add A and water to the appropriate level indicated in the pot. Place 2, Umeboshi (pickled plums), and garlic chips. Cover it, and press the button to start.
4. When it's done, toss the rice lightly with a rice paddle. *Some rice cookers like mine include steaming time, thus you can toss the rice immediately. As for the rest, when it's done, do not open and let it steam for about 15 minutes to get a better result.
5. Serve in a rice bowl. Garnish with white sesame seeds and chopped scallion.


Panasonic Steam IH Rice Cooker "dai karyoku odori-daki" SR-SX102
(パナソニック スチームIHジャー炊飯器「大火力おどり炊き」SR-SX102)
The rice cooker coats the rice with high-temperature 200C (392F) steam and keeps the rice from drying out when it's cold, so the rice tastes still good even if it's cold.

Recipe by Panasonic

Music by
Josh Woodward
Effortless - Instrumental

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