Pizza Cutlets Recipe By SooperChef

Pizza Cutlet a unique variation of pizza mixture stuffed in potato cutlet is must try recipe. Give a twist to your potato cutlets by adding mouth-watering cheesy pizza flavor. End your Tuesday by trying these delicious Pizza Cutlets and do not forget to share your feedback with us.

#PizzaCutletsRecipe #PizzaCutlets #Cutlets

Pizza Cutlets
Ingredients Cutlet Mixture:
Potatoes 1/2 kg
Water (for boiling) as required
Potatoes boiled
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Mixed herbs 1/2 tsp
Corn flour 1/4 cup
Ingredients for Pizza mixture:
Capsicum (chopped) 1 cup
Onion (chopped) 1/2 cup
Black olives (chopped) 1/4 cup
Jalapenos 1/4 cup
Corns (boiled) 1/4 cup
Pizza sauce 1/4 cup
Mozzarella cheese (shredded) 1 cup
Oregano 1 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Ingredients for Liquid Batter:
All-Purpose Flour (Maida) 1 cup
White pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Water as required
Bread crumbs (for coating) as required
Ingredients for Assembling:
Cutlet mixture as required
Pizza mixture as required
Liquid Batter (for coating) as required
Bread Crumbs as required
Oil (for shallow frying)
Directions for Cutlet Mixture Preparation:
In a pot add water and potatoes. Boil the potatoes until they are fully done and peel them.
In a bowl, add potatoes, mash them and then add salt, black pepper powder, mixed herbs and corn flour. Mix well and your mixture is ready.
Directions for Pizza Mixture Preparation:
Now, in a bowl add capsicum, onion, corns, black olives, jalapenos, pizza sauce, cheese, oregano, red chili flakes and salt. Mix well and your pizza mixture is ready.
Directions for Liquid Batter Preparation:
Now in a bowl, add flour, white pepper powder, salt and water. Mix well and your liquid batter is ready.
Directions for Assembling:
Now, take potato mixture on palm of your hand, make it flat with your hand and place the pizza mixture on it. Now, fold it and make the cutlet shape evenly.
Now place the prepared cutlet in liquid batter and then coat it with bread crumbs.
Shallow fry the cutlet until golden brown in color. Your Pizza Cutlet is ready.
Preparation time: 10-15 mins
Cooking time: 25-30 mins
Serving: 4-5
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