Pediatrician Speaks on What Kids Should Eat! with Dr. Elisa Song HPC: E52

Remember the brilliant Dr. Elisa Song? We last talked about poo with her and today we get to hear about what kids should eat.

Um, yes, that's going backward on the digestive system but bear with us. ;)

We all know that most pediatricians get about 2 hours of nutrition training, which means some of them give food advice and probably shouldn't and most don't bother with food at all.

But FOOD is the ROOT CAUSE of so much of what ails our kids!

Dr. Song goes above and beyond normal MD training with all her holistic background and she's 150% qualified to tell us a little about our kids' diets.

Today we'll talk about:
*What has changed in the "kid food" scene in the last 50 years
*What is the worst "food" kids are eating these days
*How food additives can affect behavior
*What kids *should* be eating to fuel their bodies
*Practical tips for how we as parents can feed our kids well (and teach them to make healthy choices for themselves!)

Don't you just love Dr. Song? She's about the only reason I'd ever consider moving to California, just so that she could be our kids' doctor. I'm so honored to share her wisdom with you today!!!
*My previous interview with Dr. Song:
*Healthy Snacks Skill Lab:
*Healthy Breakfast Skill Lab:
*We show some healthy snack options on the news in this video:
*The Feingold Diet:
*Healthy Kids, Happy Kids article on food dyes:
*How to make bone broth:
*Fish oil post on Kitchen Stewardship:
*Mudball recipe - contains pumpkin seeds for zinc!
* My Healthy Snacks eBook:
*My Healthy Breakfast eBook:
*A bunch of breakfast recipes that include veggies: (Like these egg and veggie bites!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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