一个撇步教你去除豆浆的豆腥味One secret to clear the beany smell of Soy Milk | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房

一个撇步教你去除豆浆的豆腥味 -
以前做豆浆,每次家里人都不是很愿意喝, 常常喝不完。自从加了这一步,家里人却抢着喝。差别真的好大。 如果你和我有同样的问题,看看这是一个什么撇步呢?

One secret to clear the beany smell of Soy Milk
In the past, we can never finish the soy milk. It is due to the beany smell which is a bit unpleasant. My kids told me the one from the restaurant taste better. haha..
But, after I add in one secret step, now, I don't have to buy from outside anymore.
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