OKRA CHUTNEY | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Okra Chutney is a finger licking starter to any normal day meal. These chutneys are a great way to sneak in fresh vegetables with less oil. And this is a perfect recipe for those lazy afternoons where you need to cook just for two and don’t want to spend much time in kitchen. It tastes too good with anardana and amchur powder in it. These are best eaten with white rice, roti or chapati.


Okra, cut into pieces 2 Tablespoons
Oil 1 Cup
Cumin seeds 1 Teaspoons
Green chillies, slit 5-6 Numbers
Coriander leaves, chopped 1 Bunch
Anardana powder 1?2 Teaspoons
Amchur powder 1?2 Teaspoons
Onions, chopped 1 Numbers


1. Heat some oil in a pan and when it gets hot, add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add Okra pieces and fry over medium flame.

2. Add green chillies, cover the pan with a lid and cook the okra. Do stir in between so that the okra does not get burnt.

3. Once the okras are fried, add coriander leaves and stir well till the coriander leaves are fried.

4. Switch off the flame and shift all these ingredients into a blender once they get cooled.

5. Add some anardana powder (pomegranate seeds powder) and amchur powder (dry mango powder), Salt and blend to coarse paste.

6. Add some chopped onions and mix well.

7. Dish out the Okra chutney in a bowl and for tempering the chutney, add 1 tbsp oil in a pan and when it gets hot, add 1/2 tsp mustard seeds.

8. When the mustard seeds crackle, add 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp chana dal, 2-3 nos red chillies, 1 tsp urad dal wash, and fry till the lentils are slightly colored. Add pinch of hing and 2 sprigs curry leaves. Switch off the flame. Add the tempering to the okra chutney and mix.

9. Serve with roti, chapatti or rice

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