nimki recipe | crisp bangla nimki | निमकी रेसिपी | how to make nimki namkeen | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

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nimki recipe | crisp bangla nimki | how to make nimki namkeen | maida snacks with detailed photo and video recipe. crisp and flaky flavoured snack recipe is made with plain flour and dry spices. it is an ideal evening deep fried snack and can be enjoyed with cup of tea or perhaps as a side dish to dal rice combo.

nimki recipe | crisp bangla nimki | how to make nimki namkeen | maida snacks with detailed photo and video recipe. there numerous savoury snacks made from maida or all purpose flour across many regions of indian cuisine. the use case of these snacks differs and can be served as snack, or side dish or as a main ingredient for other dishes. one such easy and quick snack from bangla cuisine is crisp nimki served as both snack or side dish.
Course - Snack
Dish - Snack
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