Nariyal Pag Recipe - Mewa Paag recipe - Coconut Pak | Nisha Madhulika

Coconut pag is an quick sweet recipe which is made in Northern India. Just cook coconut and sugar together and nariyal pag is ready to serve.


Coconut – 150 grams
Sugar – 250 grams


Getting ready:

1. Cut the coconut into big rough pieces and grate them in food processor or manually with a grater. Transfer the grated coconut in a bowl.


2. Heat a wok and put sugar in it followed by ½ cup of water. Cook until the sugar dissolves completely. When the sugar will melts completely cook for 3 to 4 minutes more and prepare one-thread consistency sugar syrup.

3. Afterward, turn off the flame and add the coconut to the sugar syrup. Keep stirring constantly and mix until the mixture becomes thick. Transfer and spread the coconut pag mixture on the greased plate. Keep the paag aside for 20 to 30 minutes or until it sets completely.

4. After a while, slightly heat the plate from bottom and flip the plate on another plate. Coconut pag will be separated easily, cut into desired size chunks.


5. Serve these delectable and finger-licking coconut paag anytime to your dear ones and relish eating this sweet. Coconut Pag recipe video in Hindi
Course - sweets
Dish - sweets
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