MUKBANG/EATING SHOW - Buffalo Wild Wings + Mozz Rice Cake [ It's Wing Tuesday! ]

Hey everyone!

Before anything, I just wanted say that my videos are not about eating EVERYTHING that I bought/cooked. But that doesn't mean I throw them out. I save them or share it later with my family.

I am still figuring out what I was to achieve through this channel but for now, my channel is about trying out new things and enjoying them.

There maybe times that I eat things that I have eaten before, and there maybe times where I go to a same restaurant but buy different things off the menu.

So please watch with open mind :D


It's Wing Tuesday! Which means the traditional wings from Buffalo Wild Wings are 55 cents! I bought 30 with all the sauce on side.

1. Thai curry
2. Mango Habenero
3. Bourbon Honey Mustard
4. Asian Zing
5. Lemon Pepper

Also, I fried some rice cake for about 3-4 min. They recommend not cooking longer than that because the Mozz cheese will make the rice cake explode.

Unfortunately the package does not come with any sauce, so I made my own.

1. ketchup 1 tablespoon
2. pepper paste 1 tablespoon
3. honey 1 tablespoon

If you finished watching this video, I did not finish everything, in fact I have alot left over.

I am saving them for tomorrow, or I might even eat them later tonight... or my family might eat them. ;D

Again, I really really hope you guys enjoyed this video!

And please leave any comments or suggestions below for better vidoes ;D (Big thanks to subscriber who already did! Means alot to me )

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