moong dal ladoo recipe | moong ke laddu | मूंगदाल के लड्डू | moong dal ke laddu | moong laddu | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

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moong dal ladoo recipe | moong ke laddu | moong dal ke laddu | moong laddu with detailed photo and video recipe. an ideal indian sweet confectionery recipe made green gram lentil and powdered sugar. it is an ideal indian laddu recipe which can be made instantly without any fancy and easily available ingredients. these ladoos are generally made during the festival season and ideal to be served as a gift with friends and family.

moong dal ladoo recipe | moong ke laddu | moong dal ke laddu | moong laddu with step by step photo and video recipe. laddu recipes are very common all over india and are made for different reasons. most commonly the moist and juicy ladoos are popular for obvious reasons of creaminess and easy to consume. but there are other laddo recipe like moong dal ladoo which are solid and hard, yet melts it in your mouth.
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