Molecular Red Forest | Valentines Day Special | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Refreshing salad for the weight watchers served in style.



Lollo rosso lettuce as required
2-3 cherry tomatoes
2-3 strawberries
Watermelon granita as required
Roasted cumin powder for sprinkling
Micro greens for garnishing
Edible gold powder for dusting
Sea salt for sprinkling
Tomato honey vinaigrette
1 teaspoon dried tomato powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 lemon
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
½ teaspoon sea salt
Molecular spheres
200 grams strawberry puree
2 grams calcium
12 grams calcic powder dissolved in 1 liter water, kept for 12-14 hours


1. To prepare tomato-honey vinaigrette, halve lemon, wrap ½ slice in a muslin cloth and squeeze out lemon juice in a bowl. Add honey, olive oil and dried tomato powder and whisk. Add sea salt and whisk well.
2. To prepare molecular spheres, add calcium to strawberry puree and whisk well.
3. Put alginate bath mixture in a glass baking dish. Put small scoops of strawberry puree in dissolved calcic powder, lightly swirl to make sphere shapes and keep in for 1 minute. Put them in chilled water and set aside. These are molecular spheres.
4. Line a serving platter with few lollo rosso leaves. Slice cherry tomatoes and strawberries.
5. Scrape out some granita and place in the center of lined platter. Pour some dressing on the sides of granita and squeeze remaining ½ lemon juice on top and sprinkle some cumin powder on top.
6. Place the sliced cherry tomatoes and sliced strawberries on top. Drain and place the molecular spheres on top. Garnish with some micro greens and dust some edible gold powder on molecular spheres. Sprinkle some sea alt on top.
7. Serve immediately.

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Cuisine - Fusion
Course - Salad
Dish - Salad
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