Mix Veg Multi Dal Adai Cheese Dosa - By VahChef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Mix Veg Multi Dal Adai Cheese Dosa is one of the best food suited for kids and it is always a hit with the little tots and make this Adais as a reward to your kids


Tur daal 1 tb
Chana daal 1 tb
Rice 1 cup
Curry leaves 2 sp
Red chilly 3 n
Oil for required
Urad daal 1 ts
Moong daal 1 ts
Masoor daal 1 ts
Carrot chopped 50g
Beans chopped 50 g
Sweet corn 50 g
Green chilly chopped 3 n
Ginger chopped 1 inch piece
Spinach 2 b
Cheese 2 tb
Take a bowl add tur daal, channa daal, rice, red chilly, curry leaves, water, add urad daal, moong daal, masoor dal, add some more water wash the all ingredients, and drain the water, and add salt, hing, add enough water, soak this for at least 3 hours (or) over night, put it into the blender and make a coarse paste. For Adai dosai this batter is blended fine the consistency of dosa batter.
Heat the griddle and pour the dosa batter on and spread it. And spread the carrot chopped, beans chopped, sweet corn, green chilly chopped, ginger chopped, chopped spinach, pour some oil, then put the grated cheese, put the lid on and let it cook for some time, then fold it and serve this hot with your favourite chutney.


you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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