Mint Choccie Road Bars

Only 5 ingredients needed to make these DELICIOUS fridge cake bars

Makes 50


3 slabs (300g) NESTL Aero Milk
100g margarine
2 tbsp golden syrup
1 slabs (125g) NESTL Aero Peppermint
50g Milkybar Original


1. Line a square dish (21x21cm) with baking paper, ensuring that it hangs over the sides.

2. Break the NESTL Aero Milk Chocolate slabs into smaller cubes and add to a large microwave-safe bowl. Add the margarine and golden syrup to the chocolate.

3. Microwave on high for 1-2 minute, stirring in 15 second intervals until melted. Allow to cool to room temperature.

4. Cut the NESTL Milkybar Chocolate into rough chunks and break 1 slab (85g) of the NESTL Aero Peppermint Chocolate into cubes and fold through the cooled, melted chocolate until well combined.

5. Transfer and press the mixture into the baking dish. Use a spatula to even it out in the dish.

6. Crumble the remaining NESTL Aero Peppermint chocolate finely and sprinkle it over the rocky road.

7. Allow for the rocky road to set in the fridge for 2 hours.

8. Using the baking paper to assist, transfer the rocky road to a cutting board. Dip a sharp knife in hot water and slice the rocky road into equal portions.

9. Serve immediately and ENJOY or pop the rocky road squares into a jar as a gift for someone special.

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