Lemon Pickle - By Vahchef @ Vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Lemon pickle is a popular pickle recipe made with lemons cut into pieces and mixed with red chilli powder, salt, turmeric, garlic, fenugreek powder; combined together and store for a period of time. uthentic Lemon Pickle is one spicy tangy pickle that is usually served with curd rice in south India. A pickle lover would have this pickle ...


3/4 tsp Cumin seed
6 number curry leaves
pinch pinch Fengreek Powder
1 tsp garli
pinch pinch hing
15 number Lemon
3/4 tsp mustard seed
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup red chill powder
3 number Red Chilles dried
as per taste salt
1/2 tsp Turermic powder

Take 10 lemons big size and wash them and dry it up with a cloth.

Cut the lemon into 8 qtrs equaly and remove the seeds.

5 lemons squeeze them and take the juice in a bowl.

In a bowl take the cut lemon pieces add turermic,garlic,fengreek powder mix all these well and then add squeezed lemon juice into it and keep it a side for 3 days in a jar and when ever you need you can remove some and add tempering to it or u can temper immdly.

For tempeting take a pan add oil, red chillies,mustrd seeds,cumin seeds and mix well and switch of the flame and add hing, curry leaves mix this to the lemon pickle.

keep this pickle for more then 5 days to have, if you u want to have immdly u can but the lemon will be very sour.

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