Lemon Coriander soup | Vahchef - VahRehVah

An herbed flavour tangy soup. This Lemon coriander soup presents the lovely combination of lime juice and fresh coriander leaves with vegetable stuffing in the wontons.


Lemon grass 1 Teaspoons
Coriander stem 1 Bunch
Lemon zest 1/2 Teaspoons
Mushroom(finely chopped) 1 Cup
Garlic(finely chopped) 1 Teaspoons
Ginger(finely chopped) 1 Teaspoons
Cabbage(finely chopped) 1 Cup
Carrot(finely chopped) 1 Cup
Green chillies(finely chopped) 2-3 Numbers
Spring onions(finely chopped) 1 Cup
Salt 1 0
Crushed pepper 1 Pinch
Corn starch 2 Teaspoons
Soya sauce 1 Teaspoons
All purpose flour(Maida) 1 Cup
Turmeric 1/2 Teaspoons
Sugar 2 Teaspoons
Tasting salt 1/2 Teaspoons
Lime juice 2 Teaspoons
Coriander leaves 1/2 Bunch

1. In a strainer take dry lemon grass, coriander stem and zest of lemon.
2. Now keep this in a boiling water and let it infuse in water to give a nice flavor.

3. In a hot pan take mushroom, garlic, ginger, cabbage, carrot, green chilies, spring onions and cook it for few minutes.

4. For the seasoning add salt, crushed pepper and stir for few minutes.

5. Now add cornstarch and cook for some more time.

6. Add soya sauce and mix it properly. Keep it aside.

7. To make wonton sheet take all purpose flour, turmeric and water in a bowl.

8. Mix it and make a dough. Roll it long and cut in round shapes to make wontons.

9. Keep the stuffing mixture on the pooris and wet the edges with water to seal it by folding.

10. Now join the edges again with the help of water.

11. Remove the strainer from water and reduce the flame. Add sugar, salt and tasting salt in it.

12. Drop in the wontons in water and squeeze in some lime juice.

13. Let the wontons cook for 3-4 mins.

14. Once the wontons start floating they seem to be cooked. Take these wontons in a bowl and add fresh coriander leaves on top. Fill the bowl with the stock.

15. Now just enjoy this hot lemon coriander soup with lot of vegetables in it.

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