Leftover rajma turnover | chefharpalsingh

Innovative recipe made from left over Indian style kidney beans and chappatis . This is a recipe influenced by Quesadillas Mexican style and is great innovation for Kids.

Assorted bell peppers 1 cup
Onion chopped 1 small
Corn blanched ¼ cup
Leftover roti 4 no.
Leftover rajma curry 2 cups
Grated cheese 2 cups
Mixed herbs 1tbsp
Chilli flakes 1 tbsp
Olive slices ¼ cup
Oil 2 tbsp

1. In a bowl add assorted bell peppers, onion, corn, leftover rajma, mixed herbs, chilli flakes, salt, mix well and keep aside.
2. Heat the tawa and lightly heat the chapatti now place the leftover rajma curry in one end, sprinkle missed herbs, chilli flakes, sliced olives and grated cheese close like half moon shape.
3. Drizzle some oil and pan seared from both side until the cheese is melted and roti is golden brown and crisped.
4. Remove it and make rest similarly.
5. Cut the turnovers into two and serve immediately.

Leftover rajma curry 3 cup
Oil 2 tbsp
Leftover rice 3 cup
Salt To taste
Onion chopped 1 no.
Garam masala 1 tsp
Red chilli powder 1tsp
Chopped coriander 2 tbsp
Chopped garlic 1tsp
Cumin seeds 1 tsp
Assorted bell pepper ½ cup
Green peas ½ cup
Lemon 1 no.

1. Heat oil in a pan add in the cumin seeds once spluttered add in the chopped garlic, and sauté well for 2-3 mins.
2. Add bell peppers, green peas, red chilli powder, garam masala, salt and mix well
3. Add leftover rajma curry, left over rice and mix well.
4. Add lemon juice, chopped coriander and mix well.
5. Remove it in a serving bowl and serve hot
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