Lamingtons Recipe By SooperChef

Delicious Lamingtons look tempting and taste amazing. Try this easy Lamingtons Cake Recipe and share your feedback.

Lamingtons Cake Recipe in English

1 cup Self-rising flour
3 eggs
cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla essence
1/2 cup Butter
1 cup Blueberry filling
Chocolate sauce:
1 cup Chocolate
3 tbsp Butter
cup Milk
1 tbsp Cocoa Powder
2 tbsp Hot water
- In a bowl beat eggs for 6-8 minutes or until fluffy.
- Add sugar, beat until sugar dissolves.
- Add butter and vanilla essence and mix well. Now add self-rising flour and milk gradually. Don not over mix.
- Pour the mixture into a a greased pan and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180C.
- Let it cook.
- Cut the cake in two layers.
- Place the cling wrap in a pan and now place a layer of cake, spread blueberry pie filling. Now place the other layer top of that, cover it with wrap and refrigerate it for 2-3 hours.
- On a double boiler add chocolate, butter and milk in a bowl and let it melt properly over medium heat. Let it cool.
- Now add icing sugar, cocoa powder and mix well. Add hot water and mix well. Let it cool for 10-15 minutes.
- Now cut the cake into 16 equal pieces and dip it in chocolate mixture then sprinkle coconut powder on pieces.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 45-50 minutes
Serving: 8-10
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