KNEFE Recipe TURKSH Sweet Cheese Pastry

My Instagram Account : @kitchenfatimas


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Kunefe also known as kunafa is one of the heavenly Turkish desserts made with syrup. It is made with cheese and shredded Kadayif noodles soaked in sweet syrup. You must absolutely try this sweet cheese pastry. It has a very well balanced combination of cheese and sugar, so its not heavy and you can even ask for a second plate!

For Syrup
1/2 cup of sugar,
3/4 cup of water,
1 piece of sliced lemon
For The Knefe
100 g of raw kadayf,
70 g (half cup) shred mozzarella,
4 tbsp ghee
And knefe pan;)

Welcome to Fatima's Kitchen! Thank you for coming by! I upload my videos , both in Turkish & English. This channel is mostly about traditional Turkish cuisine,mediterranean food and a selection of great & different cultures' food. And also easy , healthy I try to be very clear with my ~tried and true~ recipes. I would be happy for every comment and subscriber Thank you ...

Cooking abbreviations;

tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon

That channel includes how to make homemade cooking , home cooking , some easy and health recipes.

En este video preparamos receta de kunafa para saber como hacerlo facilmente. Mirad nuestro video y aprender como hacerlo. Buen provecho!

Turkish food, Turkish food recipes, Turkish food channel,
Turkish food at home homemade , home cooking , tasty ,
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