Kitchen Tour: Kid Friendly Efficient Kitchen for Busy Families! HPC: E06

Want a peek into my *real* kitchen?

I'm often asked what my kitchen set-up is like, and today I'm inviting you all into my somewhat orange-ish, ugly kitchen to share some gems of organization and efficiency.

You'll find out:

The huge organization rule I BREAK and why I think you should too!
How we keep things kid-friendly, to empower kids to help out in the kitchen with cooking and cleaning up.
Why our grains and beans are the most organized part of the kitchen (story here: )
My brilliant efficiency idea that's stuck to the fridge
Smoothie efficiency (some things we put in smoothies: dehydrated greens and more from Perfect Supplements:, the others I mentioned are from Thrive Market: )
What's stuck to the inside of my cupboards (from this post: )
Why that darn drawer won't close (but I'm ok with it - our fav reusable bags: )

Do you love that Leah (10yo) was starting to cook dinner? I was totally getting in her way! ;)

Let me know in the comments if you heard a "gem" of wisdom that will help your kitchen or share some tips for all of us!

Here's our resources page where you can find a lot of the items you see (tongs, cast iron griddle, favorite knives):

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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