खट्टे मीठे आलू | Khatay Meethay Aloo |Chef Harpal singh | chefharpalsingh

Khatay Meethay aloo Recipe in Punjabi,
Potatoes with Tamarind Paste and jaggery

Mustard oil.
Nigella seeds 1tsp
Cumin seeds 1tsp
Red chilli- 3 to 4
ginger chopped 1Tbsp
Boiled potatoes 3
corainder Powder 1Tbsp
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/2 tsp
salt to taste
Tamarind paste 3 Tbsp
Grated jaggery 3 Tbsp
Coriander leaves 2 Tbsp

1.Add mustard oil in a pan, add nigella seeds, add cumin seeds, saute it.
2. Add dry red chillies add ginger and saute it.
3. cut the boiled potatoes into cubes and add to the pan.
and saute it, add coriander Powder, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, add salt, garam masala and saute it for 2 mins.
4.Add tamarind paste, add grated Jaggery, and mix it well.
5. Add Coriander leaves,
6.also, sprinkle coriander while serving..

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