JUICING FOR HEALTH! Super Green Juice Recipe!

And click below for the JUICE RECIPE! :D


* I n g r e d i e n t s *
just juicing for yourself,
as this makes a lot of juice!

1 Burdock Root
2 bunches Spinach
1 bunch Cilantro
1 bunch Parsley
1-2 Jerusalem Artichokes (also known as: sunchoke, sunroot, earth apple or topinambur)
1 Zucchini (aka Courgette)
1 Cucumber
4 Carrots (if you are diabetic, you may want to leave these out)
1 head Celery

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Run all ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. http://JUICERS.life-regenerator.com

2) Add ice if desired, and enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
I am here to help everyone get healthy! I'm not going to tell you what not to do, but I will say that I personally have found great pleasure in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and what they do for my health.

Not only have I noticed positive physical changes, but I've noticed positive changes in my soul as well!

I want to give you hope that you CAN change & that you can continue to cultivate the positive!

I have an interest in spreading love, compassion, understanding & unity consciousness!

No matter what your religion, belief system, diet or color of skin is, you are welcome here on this channel!

As for this juice...this one is really good for diabetics as it has Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes) in it, which are very good in balancing blood sugar. If you are new to Jerusalem artichokes, go easy on them first as they can give some people gas! However I find that by juicing them this is automatically less of an issue...

To help with your digestion, remember to mix some saliva w/ your juice as you drink it, as there are lots of digestive enzymes in your saliva!

Burdock root is a great blood cleanser & it's very delicious!

Spinach has lots of amino acids & minerals! It also helps to build your blood, like all leafy green vegetables do! Make sure to get oxygen too!

Cilantro is a heavy metal detoxifier, blood builder & flavor enhancer! It makes your juice smooth & creamy!

Parsley is a breath freshener, diuretic & kidney cleanser!

Leafy green vegetables are all full of amino acids, they heal the human organism & they connect us w/ planet Earth!

Sunchokes / Jerusalem Artichokes balance out the pancreas & keeps our blood sugar levels stable.

Zucchinis / Courgettes give extra body to the juice as well as plenty of extra alkaline minerals!

Cucumbers cleanse the kidneys & keep our electrolyte levels high, so it's great for when you want to go for a walk or a hike! Cucumbers are a cooling food, but that won't matter for me & my hike!

Celery is a miracle food in my book! I eat and/or juice it almost every day!

If you're diabetic & feel more comfortable leaving out the carrots, then please do so! Otherwise, they're great for supplying plenty of energy for walking or hiking!

In addition to eating right & juicing, what has also helped me a lot to get more healthy is practicing forgiveness & practicing meditation.

I want you to have peace in your soul!

Be open-minded to spiritual teachings, be honest with yourself, love yourself & be humble!

Your soul's peace is what I hope you achieve through these videos!

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Love, Dan
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