Juice Recipe ~ Delicious Green Juice for Health and Vitality!

INSIDERS CLUB: www.regenerateyourlife.org

CeleryCucumberPearCilantro & Coconut Water

Raw Vegetable DietFree Juicer Recipes
Raw Food Weight LossVegetable Juicing

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 Thai Young Coconut (Coconut Water)
1 head of Celery
1 Cucumber*
1 Pear
2 bunches of Cilantro
*unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconut to get coconut water out. Watch this for help: http://bit.ly/u9Q4j

2) Run the rest of the ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. http://JUICER.life-regenerator.com

3) Blend vegetable juice and coconut waters together, adding ice if desired, and enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
Adding the pear into this standard recipe gives it a whole new sweet & delicious twist, doesn't it? I love celery because it's inexpensive, tasty & has a lot of live force energy! And cucumbers are very hydrating for your body! Cilantro detoxifies heavy metals from the body. If some of you have a 'reaction' to cilantro, you might want to consider the possibility that it is because it is *detoxifying the heavy metals from you, so you therefore need it the most!*

We want to thank you again for the donations we have received; it means the world to us, and we are able to stay afloat now, so thank you! For those of you who cannot donate, do not worry about it!! Really! Do not waste time with guilt. We appreciate the donations received, but we appreciate each of YOU just the same, whether you donate or not. Really! It is each of your life force energies that our souls get our energy from...which we then of course give right back to you! Beautiful, right?

I want to formally apologize about how my ego has slipped in and unconsciously judged other raw food teachers, especially those who are excellent teachers about all the super foods and their benefits, as well as all the amazing raw food chefs who make all types of raw foods, be they low or high fat. I want everyone to have a good time with their health! There's a place for all types of foods while on our journey. Everything is relative, everyone has their own personal things going on, and everyone has different goals and are at wildly different points in their life. I respect everyone.

But...this still doesn't change the fact that I personally still believe (at least for me) in the simple power of fruits & vegetables, so I'd like to be more like a "Fruit and Vegetable Teacher," than a raw food teacher. What do you think?

Re: those calling me "too skinny." Yes, I am skinny! But so what? Because let me tell you about when I was BIG: I was 200 lbs of solid muscle & I could squeeze your head like a grape...but HOW was I able to be so "big" and "strong"? Steroids! And a high meat and dairy diet, along with all kinds of crazy protein powders. And at the end of the day as I was suffering from "roid rage," I would have to drink tons of beer and smoke tons of pot in order to come down. Plus, I regularly did all kinds of other crazy drugs, like ecstasy, LSD & cocaine. SO...I was absolutely and totally miserable! I was suicidal. I was clinically depressed.

So today, if I am "skinny," but totally sober from drugs & alcohol, eat healthfully, & am happy to be alive, do you really think it matters if I am called skinny? Besides, if you want to see REAL skinny, then you should see me *before* I got into bodybuilding. That was REAL skinny, with no muscle at all. You could say I have the "skinny" gene, so if it wasn't for me working out or lifting any weights now, I would be even skinnier, w/ almost no muscle tone. I have a super-fast metabolism too...another reason why I have to eat such large salads!! It would be very, very difficult for me to get "big." It would literally take me going back on steroids again. So let me take a poll...should I get back on the roids? ;-)

OK, so I'm happy to be alive! And I may be a little rough around the edges at times, but I grew up with primarily with just my Dad & my brothers & as you know from past vids, we all had a pretty rough time growing up. I'm just thankful to WANT to be alive today, as for so many years I simply wanted to die. So hopefully everyone can just be chill with me being a crazy skinny dude who is passionate about his fruits & vegetables & how they might be able to help others too...for I sure don't want to go back to being a big, bulky drug-addicted angry person. Heck, no!

So let's bring on the LOVE, let's bring on the FRUIT, let's bring on the VEGGIES, let's bring on the FORGIVENESS and most importantly, let's bring on the fun.

Eat and drink your fruits and vegetables, my friends! Because I love you. And I love to see you loving you too. :D

Love, Dan

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