Jamoon and Black Currant Milkshake recipe. Java plum / Black Plum milkshake recipe / Jamoon Smoothie | Nutritious & Delicious Recipes

Tasty Jamoon and Black Currant Milkshake, How to make Jamoon or Java plum or Black plum or Indian blackberry or Jambul and Black Currant Milkshake. Jamoon is also called java plum, black plum and Indian blackberry. Milkshake ideas for kids, Jamun Milkshake recipe, I have added black currant ice cream for the unique flavor. This can also be made like jamoon smoothie or jamoon shots, if ice cream quantity is reduced. How to make Jamoon Smoothie or Shots, Easy and Nutritious Milkshake. Healthy Milkshake, Seasonal Milkshake ideas.

#jamoonandblackcurrantmilkshake #jamoonjavaplumBlackplum #indianblackberryjambul #Blackcurrant #milkshakeideas

Fresh Jamoon - 250 grams
Black Currant Ice Cream - 3-4 scoops
Milk - 1/2 liter
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Dates Syrup - 2 tea spoon
Black Pepper Powder - 1 tea spoon
Salt - 1 pinch

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