Italian Grandma Make PASTA e FAGIOLI the Right Way | Vincenzo's Plate

Nonna Igea in action making one of her favorite pasta recipes: Pasta e fagioli. Pasta e fagioli (also known as Pasta and fazool or pasta and fasule) is an ancient pasta part of the "cucina povera". Pasta e fagioli has been around for decades and it's still a very popular dish in Italian households. Back in the old days, during WWII Pasta and fagioli was an everyday dish as it was easy and cheap to make. Beans were named "Poor Man's Meat" as they are full of proteins. This pasta is kind of a beans soup with pasta. The pasta nonna uses is a handmade pasta shape called "sagne" which is typical from the region of Abruzzo.
Recreate my Italian Nonna Pasta e fagioli and have an amazing italian culinary experience.
E ora si mangia...Vincenzo's Plate

La Nonna Igea e' tornata su youtube con una delle sue ricette preferite: La Pasta e Fagioli. Nonna ha mangiato questo piatto quasi tutti giorni durante e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale. Un piatto povero ma che oggi viene amato da grandi e piccini. La nonna Igea prepara Pasta e Fagioli con una pasta fresca chiamata "Sagne" che rende questo piatto ancora piu' spettacolare. Buona visione e buon appetito. Come fare la pasta e fagioli.

#pastafagioli #italiangrandma #pastaefagioli

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