Hummus Dip with Chole/Chickpeas at Home? | Tahini Recipe | Quick & Easy Dip | Kunal Kapur Recipes

This is a simple recipe for homemade hummus. It is a delicious spread or dip made from chickpeas or chole, tahini sauce, lemon, and spices. All you need is some boiled chole & you can make this easy veg snack recipe at home.

#Hummus #HummusDip #TahiniSauce #DipRecipe #HomemadeHummus

This Hummus Dip uses only a few ingredients and is made by simply blending all the ingredients in a food blender.

Do give this recipe a try!

What goes well with hummus dip?
A few of the best foods to eat hummus with include, using it as:

✅ Veggie dip like celery, carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower
✅ Fruit dip like sliced apples
✅ Chip dip for pita chips
✅ Spread on sandwiches and wraps


Hummus Dip
(Serves - 4)
Prep Time - 10mins
Cooking time - 30mins

Sesame seeds - 1cup
Olive oil - 4-5 tbsp

Chickpeas (soaked overnight) - 2cups
Baking soda - ½ tsp
Water - 6cups

Tahini paste - 2-3tbsp
Garlic clove - 1no
Salt - to taste
Lemon juice - ¼ cup
Iced water - a dash
Olive oil - 3tbsp
Cumin powder - ½ tsp
Olive oil - a dash

Olive oil - 2-3tbsp
Boiled chickpeas - few for garnish
Pita Bread - few as an accompaniment
Cumin powder - a pinch
Chilli powder - a pinch

For a detailed written step-by-step recipe, click here:


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