#howtomakemysorepak | #diwalispecial | Mysore Pak Recipe | #mysorepak that melts | Sujan Fun Kitchen

#sujanfunkitchen is here - #howtomakemysorepak

So, with the festival of lights, Diwali approaching us, I thought it would be a good idea to share my mother’s recipe of Melting Mysore Pak - she is the best in turning out melting, soft Mysore Paks at any point of time - be it Diwali, a birthday or just a whimsical craving! Not once has she failed in the quality of the delicacy - but, ask her the recipe, she can never share it properly! All that one can do is to be next to her, trying to learn the recipe while she sincerely stirs and stirs the huge and heavy pan as the gram flour sizzles in the Paaka or sugar syrup and ghee; which is what I did! I somehow managed to learn the tricky technique.

And without further ado, hop into Sujan Fun Kitchen for one more easy and healthy recipe.

Mysore Pak

Gram flour - 1 cup

Sugar - 2 cups

Ghee OR Ghee and oil mixed together (any flavourless oil) - 3 cups


In a pan,dry roast the gram flour/besan till just lukewarm - keep aside

Grease a big container for the final stage of the Mysore Pak transfer - keep aside

Heat ghee or ghee-oil mixed together and keep it hot

Take a heavy pan or a non-stick pan, and add sugar

To the sugar, add just enough water to cover the sugar

Start cooking the sugar syrup or Paaka till soft ball consistency

Simmer the gas and add the roasted gram flour/besan

Keep stirring the flour in the sugar syrup until the flour is incorporated well without lumps

Now, start adding the ghee spoon by spoon, everytime stirring the mixture thoroughly well

Keep cooking till almost the entire ghee/oil is used up - at least 2 ½ cups will be used up

The sweet should look porous and non-sticky in the pan 

Transfer the Mysore Pak to a greased container

Make cuts while the Mysore Pak is medium hot
Visit my blog for more details
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