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How to roast peanuts on the gas stove - How To Roast Raw Peanuts
Peanuts (मूंगफली ) - 1 cup
Salt (नमक ) - 1/2 tsp
Salt (नमक ) - 2 cups (for roasting)

How to make Roasted Peanuts

1. Take 1/2 tsp salt, add 1 tbsp water, mix well till salt dissolves. Pour salty water over 1 cup peanuts.
2. Take 2 cup salt, put it to a heavy based wok, turn on flame. Stir it at every minute. Heat salt for 5 minutes. Also stir peanuts to coat salty water well.
3. When salt is wok is rightly hot, put the peanuts in the salt. Roast peanuts by stirring regularly for 4 minutes. Keep flame medium.
4. After 4 minutes when peanuts are roasted, turn off flame, sieve the peanuts, remove salt.Place peanuts in a plate to cool.
5. To peel them off, lift some peanuts, rub with both hands against each other, peel comes of.
6. To remove the peeled skin from peanuts,winnow them, the light peel will come up front. Remove then.


7. Relish eating nutty and salty Roasted Peanuts anytime. Have it as a snack or munch on it anytime or add it to your favorite poha or upma.

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