How to make Tamarind Paste | Amazing Kitchen Tips | Time Saving Cooking Tips | Chintapandu Paste | Hyderabadi Ruchulu

How to make Tamarind Paste | Amazing Kitchen Tips | Time Saving Cooking Tips | Chintapandu Paste

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1. Tamarind - 1/2 kg
2. Tomatoes - 1 kg
3. Salt - 1/4 kg

Tamarind paste could be used for making tamarind rice, sambar, curries etc. Tamarind: tomatoes: salt ratio is 1:2:1/2 . Remove seeds and stems from the tamarind. Wash tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Wash tamarind mildly so that only dust is cleaned off. Don't press the tamarind while washing. Move it into a strainer. Take a pan with thick base and boil washed tamarind and diced tomatoes. Add salt. Here I used crystal salt. For 1/2 kg tamarind, use 1/4 kg salt. Boil on medium flame till the water seeping out boils away and keep stirring occasionally. When tomatoes become soft, cut off the stove and let it cool down. Grind the tamarind mixture into a soft paste in a grinder. It will be a bit harder to grind it in a mixie. It could be grinded with hand also. Tamarind paste will get spoiled if it gets in contact with water. We have to store it in an air tight container. It can be stored for up to 1 year when refrigerated.

After watching this video you can directly do it in your home with easily available ingredients..

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