How to Make Omu Curry (Curry Rice with Soft and Creamy Omelette Recipe) | OCHIKERON | ochikeron

Omucurry (Omu Curry) is short for "Omurice (Omelette Rice) with Curry".

To make Omucurry, you can wrap white rice or chicken fried rice with a thin sheet of fried egg OR soft and creamy egg omelete. How you want to make is up to you. In this video I will show you how to wrap white rice with creamy scrambled eggs (some people make creamy omelette then split the middle on top of the rice to cover, scrambled eggs are easier).

HERE ARE some Kare Raisu (Japanese Curry and Rice) Recipes

Hayashi Rice (Hashed Beef) goes perfect with this Creamy Eggs as well
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