How to make Indian Sweet Ghevar - Ghevar recipe - Mawa Ghevar | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Indian Sweet Ghevar - Ghevar recipe
Ghee - 50 Grams.
Ice-cubes - 6 pieces.
Oil - For Deep Fry
Sugar - 1 cup
Maida - 100 Grams
Water - As required
Milk made - 50 Grams
Milk khoya - 50 Grams
Almonds (Fine Chop) - 2 tsp
Pista (Fine Chop) - 2 tsp
Take melted ghee in a bowl, Now take ice-cubes rub it on the ghee vigorously as shown in the video. Slowly emulsify the entire ice cubes in the ghee. And it turns into white paste add all purpose flour to it and add water to it and make it into loose batter
Heat oil in a pan, use ring mould pour the batter little by little. As it goes into hot oil it forms into honeycomb like structures, fry it and transfer into a plate.
Transfer into a plate, pour the sugar syrup on top of it & decorate it with milkmaid, and khoya & top it up with almonds, pista serve it.

Tasty ghevar is ready to serve

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