How to cook Spaghetti Squash (gluten free “spaghetti“) - La Cooquette

How to cook Spaghetti Squash, a gluten-free “spaghetti“ or low-carb, "pasta-like" dish! I also made a Mushroom/Red Wine sauce! Ingredients below & here:

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-1 medium-sized spaghetti squash
-Olive oil to brush on top of the squash (around 1 Tbsp.)
-salt and pepper to season

-3 tablespoons of olive oil
-¼ cup of onion, chopped
-2 tablespoons of chopped garlic
-red pepper flakes
-2 tsps of thyme
-2 tsps of oregano
-1 + ½ cup of cremini (or any small variety) mushrooms, chopped
-1 cup of red wine
-1 cup / small can of tomato sauce
- ½ cup sun dried tomatoes, chopped
-parmesan to serve, shredded

-If you need to convert any units/measurements, this is a great tool:

Thanks for watching and see you on the next La Cooquette episode! ;)



-1 "calabacín de espagueti"
-aceite de oliva para esparcir encima del calabacín (1 cda)
-sal y pimienta para sazonar un poco

-3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
-¼ de taza de cebolla cortada
-1 cuchardas de ajo picado
-hojuelas de pimiento rojo
-2 cucharaditas de tomillo
-2 cucharaditas de orégano
-1 taza y media de hongos cremini (hongos pequeños)
-1 taza de vino tinto para cocinar
-1 taza/ lata pequeña de salsa de tomate
-½ taza de tomates secos, picados
-queso parmesano (para servir)

-Por si necesitas convertir los ingredientes a otro tipo de medidas, ve a este enlace:

Gracias por ver y espera el próximo episodio de La Cooquette ;)
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