How the Heart-Brain Connection will Increase Resilience and Reduce Anxiety for Families HPC: E93

We're all about connection at Kids Cook Real Food, and today we get to learn about how to connect the heart and the brain to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health!

The HeartMath Institute is all about the heart, not mushy-gushy stuff but real science-backed strategies to bring more heart to the world.

In today's conversation with Director of Education Jeff Goelitz, you'll learn:

* How the heart plays a role in people's lives.
* What heart-focused breathing is, why it helps, and how to do it (so simple!).
* How stress affects kids (and what they really need from their parents).
* Some simple strategies to increase resilience and GRIT in our kids
* Why we need to keep the heart in our habits, not just our reactions
* How heart-focused strategies help kids in school (and why this is direly needed right now)
* One practical step (ok, he begged for two) that you can take TODAY to get your family started on healthier mental habits and resilience

Resources We Mention for Heart-Brain Connection:
* The Inner Balance device from HeartMath: (Use code "KSreader" for 10% off!)
* My review of the Inner Balance device:
* My favorite breathing technique to reduce stress:
* Be a better listener with your kids
* Supercharging your time at the dinner table:
* Strategies to help kids manage stress:
* Digging to the root cause of anxiety and depression:
* Help your kids manage anxiety:
* Reducing stress in kids:
* Managing anxiety as a family:
* 3 ways to prevent depression in kids:
* The HeartSmarts Adventure program:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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