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I'm feeling peaceful & feeling that health is a good hobby to have!

It's always good to take good care of our body, the vehicle that's been given to us for this journey! Although we also must be careful about trying too hard! We need to accept ourselves no matter what.

I'm in a place of high awareness right now in my life & I feel how I'm a superconductor of divine energy! We ALL are, don't worry, but how much are we each allowing that energy to flow? What is the primary way we modulate this flow of energy, anyways? Answer: by what we eat!

Generally speaking, eating cooked foods decreases this energy flow the quickest, but overeating on raw foods can do it too! It's very easy to overeat nuts & seeds, as well as tasty concoctions found in many raw food restaurants which happen to be high in fat & calories!

Why do we ever choose to decrease this flow of energy to begin with? Well, it can be difficult to feel the full flow of it all the time...simply because we're human! I'm sure many of you are familiar w/ this famous quote by Marianne Williamson: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

For those of us (all of us?) here who are interested in any kind of spirituality, eating better, feeling better & in life improvement in general, we should cultivate being okay w/ & at one with this divine energy flow! By the way, other names for this energy include: Life Force, Source Energy, Kundalini Energy, etc.

I'm always cultivating "inner perfection," & often that means "allowing" & being okay w/ what is. I may not always be in control of what happens, but I AM in control of my reactions, so I can choose to not react at all, or in neutral or positive ways, rather than negative...for the latter's just negative for everyone, including myself!

As I know I'm human, I'm so openminded that I don't feel "shame" about anything that I might of done "wrong" (not just in others' eyes, but in my own ego's eyes as well!). I don't choose to beat myself up over being human! HOWEVER, I do at least feel what Dr. David R. Hawkins calls a "decent regret" about "mistakes" that I've made, knowing that it would not be wise to make such "mistakes" again, but even then, no matter how many "mistakes" I make, it's never good to beat myself up over it even more! I encourage everyone to also cultivate more open-mindedness & inner peace for themselves too, along with constant forgiveness of one's self & others. Think of "mistakes" as opportunities to expand awareness!

BTW, Krista is as open-minded as me, so this explains why both of us always find it interesting when viewers comment on our interactions in concerned or questioning we're totally cool w/ one another! A lot of the time we're just joking around, but sometimes others can't tell! And sometimes Krista can't even tell either, hehehe. (Don't worry, Krista won't be mad, as SHE is the one actually writing these notes! Huh? Yes, she knows how to write from the perspective of my own mind & it's weird, I know, but that's just how it is w/ us! We must be opposite halves of the same person, for we're totally different, yet totally aligned.)

Now I pay more attention to what I say & how I say it, as I was catching myself in some negative thought patterns. I *know* my thoughts really DO have a constant effect on my life, so why waste time w/ negative thoughts? Now I consciously cultivate the positive in my life w/ my own words & say things like "I effortlessly cultivate perfect health!"

Essentially, I'm applying the Law of Attraction: I'm acting & feeling AS IF I'm ALREADY the way I want to be. {If anyone should start to critique me about something I say that I'm not yet fully completely, please try to remember this video! Or if a newbie viewer critiques me please kindly point them to this video!}

I encourage you to join me!
Instead of setting goals,
BE as IF you've already achieved them!
How are YOU eating & exercising TODAY,
as the slim, fit, happy & healthy person you ARE?

I live my dreams for health, life, my spirit &
beyond right here on this channel today!
Not tomorrow, but today!
I send love out to all of you!
I cultivate divine life energy for all of us!
I cultivate inner peace for all of us!

I am good enough!
You are good enough!
I accept myself unconditionally!
I accept you unconditionally!
YOU accept yourself unconditionally!
WE ALL accept EACH OTHER unconditionally!

I really care for you &
I will continue to do all that I can to help you.

With much love & much peace, Dan
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