How to Stay in Control of your Immunity with Tsao-Lin Moy HPC: E141

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We try to control a lot as a culture, even though we know that's an illusion.

And we certainly can't "control" our health -- BUT we can take steps to protect and build our immune system so we get sick less and recover faster!

Acupuncturist Tsao-Lin Moy joins me today to talk about how we can identify problems in our families that may affect short and long-term health and gain some practical strategies to avoid illness (and recover quickly).

You'll learn:

* the importance of the mind-body connection and the massive impact our thoughts have on our physical health
* how our own behaviors can result in calmer children
* how to identify and fight against stress addiction (and my personal confession)
* why movement and play cannot be discounted when it comes to both a child's learning and physical health
* the details on all the "activity" we're doing when we sleep (and why catching up on weekends isn't a good excuse)
* how to start kids off on the right foot taking ownership of their health

(And ugh, I'm so sorry about my video quality blinking so much! I've almost got it fixed after trying 4 webcams!)

I know you'll take some practical, free-to-implement tips from this interview!

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