How to make Spicy Muenster Cheese stir-fried Chicken aka DAKGALBI mukbang

cooking starts - 2:30
Eating starts - 13:00

Here is a video of DAKGALBI! I actually saw handful of people suggesting this recipe! thank you~

I know that this was a long video, but I wanted to show the way we enjoy this dish! and there is just so much to it~ hope you understand

As I mentioned in the video, please let me know if you guys want me to upload vidoes mon - thurs or M,W,F,Sunday!

instagram - keemikim
twitter - keemi1234567
snapchat - sseul0601

chicken thigh
dakgalbi sauce (
sweet potatoes
rice cake
muenster cheese

[ things I added after]
udon noodles(you can sub rice)
perilla leaves
sesame oil

PO Box 315
Mundelein, IL 60060
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