How To Make Seared Scallops 4 Tips For Perfect Scallops Rockin Robin Cooks

I'll show you how to make seared scallops with 4 tips for the perfect sear. This dish is easy and quick to make any night of the week. This recipe can be made gluten free by using gluten free noodles.

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Tools I like:
Ceramic Frying Pan

4 Tips For The Perfect Sear
1. Buy Dry Scallops, make sure it says on the package or ask.
2. Let scallops sit on paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
3. Make sure the pan is hot before placing scallops in.
4. Don't over cook the scallops, 2 to 3 minutes per side max.

Seared Scallops Recipe

lb dry scallops
cup chicken broth
cup white wine
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. butter
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
cup yellow onion, super fine dice
1 cups butternut squash, cubed and partially cooked in microwave 5 - 8 min.
cup asparagus, rinsed, cut into bite-size pieces
6 oz. pasta
2 tsp. Vegetable oil,
Small bunch of parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper

Start boiling a stock pot of water for the pasta.

Place scallops on paper towels for 15 minutes to extract as much liquid as possible. Pat dry the tops of the scallops as well. Salt and pepper the top side of the scallops.

Heat a small pan over medium high heat. Add the vegetable oil. Once the oil is hot, add the scallops, seasoned side down and dont move them as they cook. Salt and pepper the second side.

Cook between 2 to 3 minutes and then turn over with tongs. Adjust your heat if they are browning too fast.

Once the second side is done (about 2 minutes), remove the scallops to a plate to keep warm.

In the same pan, add the onion and a little olive oil if the pan seems dry. Saute the onion for 3 minutes.

Add the pre-cooked butternut squash and saute for 5 minutes. Then add the asparagus and the garlic and cook one minute more.

Toss in the pasta to cook in the stock pot, according to package directions. You want the pasta to be done about the same time as the scallops.

Back to the frying pan: Increase the temperature to medium high and add the wine, the chicken broth, lemon juice and a pinch of salt and simmer for 10 minutes. You want the sauce to reduce and cook down to about half.

After 10 minutes, add the parsley and the scallops back to the pan. Once the scallops are warm, turn off the heat and add the butter and stir it in until it melts.

Toss in the cooked pasta and stir to combined. You can garnish this with parmesan cheese if you wish. Enjoy!
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