How To Make Fruit Arrangements For Special Occasions And Gifts by Rockin Robin

I take you step by step on how to make an easy, fresh fruit bouquet with chocolate dipped strawberries, watermelon, pineapple and more.

These make wonderful gift baskets for birthdays, Easter, Mother's Day, weddings or simply entertaining friends at home.
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Everything is my fruit arrangement is edible except for the sticks (skewers) used to hold the fruit and the container to serve it in.

You can use either cabbage or ice burg lettuce to stick your fruit sticks into and I use leafy greens such as kale to give it a decorative look.

I show you how to dip your strawberries in chocolate. Remember to rinse and completely dry your strawberries before dipping into the chocolate. It helps it to stick better.

You can also drizzle white chocolate over the top of the strawberries for that professional look.

I have a video that shows you how:

Once you dip your strawberry's in chocolate, while on a stick, you need to let them dry by placing the stick in a piece of Styrofoam.

It's best to put them in a cool place (like the refrigerator) so the chocolate can harden, especially if you are planing to drizzle white chocolate over them.

Next you will want to cut out the fruit into bite size pieces. Cookie cutters work great for this.

Keep in mind the size of the fruit. For example, cantaloupe has a hole in the middle so you can only use a small cookie cutter on it.

Watermelon is best, in my opinion, for cutting out larger size pieces like flowers.

Some people like to use pineapple for cutting out large flowers but it also includes the core of the pineapple with I really dislike.

I don't know about you but I don't like having to eat around the core. But that's just me. I always cut pineapple into bite size chunks.

Grapes, kiwis, blueberries and even apple, and orange slices work. Although you should cover the apple slices with chocolate to keep them from turning brown. I'd rather have mine brown with chocolate! :)

The fruit centerpiece should be kept cold in the refrigerator or ice chest until ready to serve.

These edible fruit baskets are best eaten the same day you make them or the day after.

Let me know if you have any questions on how to make these and share your version in the comments below.

I'd love to hear what you do!

Thanks for watching and sharing!
Rockin Robin
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