How to Make Easy Fermented Kimchi at Home

Kimchi is getting its time in the spotlight! ;)

I've noticed that fermented foods are being talked about a lot because they're a way to capture probiotics at home AND extend the life of your fresh vegetables (and also to increase the nutrients in the veggies, almost like magic!!).

Want to see how EASY it is and how amazing the transformation looks? I'll demo in this video -- note that it took me maybe 20 minutes + 5 + 5 + 5 on preparation night, then just a bit of babysitting over the next 10 days and voila! Fermented veggies!

You will need:

-- cabbage
-- carrots
-- red (or green) onion
-- garlic
-- crushed red pepper
-- salt

A couple notes that you will read in the recipe but might not catch from the video:

* My hands were VERY clean whenever I touched the food, especially when I smashed down the veggies into the jar. My fist was just the best-sized object I had available! :)
* For the smashing step, you can use anything (clean) that you have around. I decided the surface of my metal measuring cup was just right to really get some smoosh action going on, but you can use all sorts of items.
* Very important to keep the food under the liquid to prevent mold.
* You can use anything to cover the jar, washcloth, tea towel, coffee filter...

Did you see how MUCH ended up fitting in my quart jar??? It's like magic. If you want some science to do in the kitchen with your kids, this is an incredible project!
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