HOW TO MAKE CASTELLA Super Delicious Rich and moist Japanese Sponge Cake (EP 279)

Today I want to share with you Castella cake.

Castella is a popular Japanese sponge cake, very sweet yet still delicious.

It's a sponge cake but the texture is finer than the traditional sponge cake that we use for strawberry shortcake.

It's lighter than a pound cake but more compact than a sponge cake.

The key to creating that signature texture is "Awa-kiri," while baking.

Do you want to know how to do it?

Check that out in the video!

20204cm square mold (stack together to make a tall mold)
40g rice syrup (or corn syrup)
30g honey
40g water
Cake Batter
6 egg yolks
100g sugar
80g Syrup
100g cake flour
3 egg whites
100g sugar

Full Recipe:



Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

Kitchen Princess Bamboo earns a small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!

music: YouTube music library

Sharing output gets better skills.
Thanks! Love from Japan

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