Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe by SooperChef (Weight Loss Porridge Recipe)

Healthy and nutritious oatmeal porridge recipe for breakfast is a complete meal to start your day. Fruity and Nutty variation in your regular porridge recipe will make it delicious in taste. Try out this Healthy Oatmeal Porridge in mornings and share your feedback with us.

#OatmealPorridge #WeightLossRecipes #SooperChef

Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Porridge

Ingredients for Oatmeal Porridge:
Nature’s Own Brand White Oats 180g
Water 2 cups
Salt a pinch
Milk 2 cups
Sugar 2 tbsp.

Ingredients for Scrambled Eggs:
Beaten Eggs 3
Butter (for greasing)
Garlic Powder ½ tsp
Cheese 3-4 tbsp.
Salt a pinch
Black pepper powder a pinch

Nutty Porridge
Oatmeal Porridge ½
Almonds (chopped) 2 tbsp.
Almonds (whole) as desired
Walnuts (chopped) as desired
Scrambled Eggs as desired
Alshifa Natural Honey as desired

Fruity Porridge
Oatmeal Porridge as required
Mashed Bananas 1 cup
Strawberries as desired
Bananas as desired
Kiwi as desired
Pomegranate (red) as desired
Alshifa Natural Honey as desired

Directions for Oatmeal Porridge:
1. Boil White Oats in water, add salt over medium heat until soft and tender. Keep stirring in intervals to prevent burning at the base.
2. When oats are soft and tender, add milk, and sugar and cook over medium heat until the desired consistency has reached.
Directions for Scrambled Eggs:
1. Grease a pan with melted butter. Add beaten eggs. Turn on the flame to medium low heat. Add garlic powder, salt and black pepper, and stir the eggs.
2. Once the eggs start to get cooked turn the flame to low, add cheese and keep stirring until a nice foamy texture has obtained.

Directions for Nutty Porridge:

3. In a bowl add prepared oatmeal porridge and chopped almonds. Mix them well.
4. Now top it with scrambled eggs, almonds, walnuts, Alshifa honey and serve. Your nutty porridge is ready.

Directions for Fruity Porridge:
5. In a bowl add prepared oatmeal porridge and mashed banana. Mix them well.
6. Now top it with strawberries, bananas, pomegranate, kiwi, honey and serve. Your Fruity Porridge is ready.

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Servings: 4
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