Gluten Free Cupcake Recipe! Summer Fruit cupcakes | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

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Here's an amazing gluten-free cupcake recipe that's great for no-wheat eaters and wheat-eaters (wheaters?) alike! Soft, moist sponge rippled with summer fruit goo, topped with light, smooth cream cheese icing and more fruit! Try them for yourselves - I guarantee you'll love 'em!


Fruit Goo -

300g bag of Frozen Summer Fruits (or fresh fruits!) (or other fruits!)
1/2 cup of Caster Sugar

Cream Cheese Icing -
75g softened unsalted butter
120g cream cheese
420g icing sugar (sifted)

Cakes -

125g Gluten Free self raising
125g caster sugar
1/8 tsp xantham gum
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda (aka baking soda)
125g soft unsalted butter
2 large free-range eggs
1 & 1/2 tbsp whole milk
some GOO!
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