Ghee Soft Mysore Pak Video Recipe | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Ghee Mysore Pak
Sugar - 350 gms
Chickpea flour - 125 gms
Ghee - 500 gms
Milk - 1 cup
Take chickpea flour in a bowl, add ghee using a whisk and make sure that there are no lumps.

Heat a kadai, add sugar, water cook the sugar syrup make like one string consistency.
Now add basin and ghee mixture cook it slowly the bubbles keep coming then add ghee continuous process till this entire ghee is absorbed for 10- 15 minutes of slow cooking.
At last, add some milk cook like this soft texture. Then switch off the flame.
Take a mould pour the mixture rest it for 2-3 hours. Then cut them into small pieces.
Wonderful and beautiful Mysore Pak recipe ready to serve.

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