Gajar Halwa Recipe - Carrot Halwa Receipe | Nisha Madhulika

Gajar halwa is most relish and all time favorite dessert prepared with fresh carrots and mawa. This rich carrot halwa has light fudgey texture.


Carrots – 1 kg
Mawa – 250 grams
Sugar – 250 grams
Milk - ½ cup
Green cardamom – 4
Raisins – 1 tbsp
Cashews – 1 tbsp
Almonds – 5 to 6


Getting ready:

1. Peel the carrots and cut off the stalks from both the ends. Then wash the carrots thoroughly under running water and grate them in either food processor or manually with grater.

2. Cut some cashews in halves and thinly slice some almonds. Chop the remaining cashews and almonds into 4 to 5 small chunks and keep them in another bowl. Peel the green cardamom and crush the seeds in mortar pestle.


3. Heat a wok and place the carrot followed by milk. Cover and cook the carrot for 5 to 6 minutes. Check later. Stir the carrot after 5 minutes and again cover and cook for 5 minutes. Later, stir thoroughly and mix sugar to the carrot. Mix well, cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes to dissolve the sugar.

4. Then stir the carrot halwa and cook in open until the juice evaporates completely. Meanwhile, roast the mawa in a preheated pan by stirring constantly until the mawa becomes light brown.

5. On the other hand, carrot juice will get evaporated. Pour 1 tbsp ghee in the carrot and roast for 2 minutes. Then add the roasted mawa to the pan along with cashews, almonds and raisins and mix thoroughly.

6. When everything gets mixed well, turn off the flame and mix crushed green cardamom in the halwa. Transfer the halwa in a bowl, carrot halwa is ready.


7. Garnish this luscious and tantalizing carrot halwa with cashews and almonds and serve warm. Gajjar Halwa Recipe video
Course - sweets
Dish - sweets
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