Foraging Mushrooms UK - Blusher mushroom (Amanita Rubescens)

Through this video, we're going to take a look at how we can all safely forage for Blusher mushrooms which are one of the mushrooms we find a lot in the wild but also need to be careful of when foraging as they have some deadly toxic lookalikes.

These Wild Mushrooms can be foraged in plenty of different woodland locations and I come across these really regularly throughout the whole of the fungi season from June to November.

Through this video, we'll look at some of our favourite ways to cook with our foraged wild Blushermushrooms as well as the potential lookalikes for the Blushermushrooms.

The Blusher Mushroom Lives within the Amanita Family of Mushrooms, within this family sit some deadly toxic mushrooms, mainly the death cap, the destroying angel and the panther cap which is the one that looks most similar to the Blusher mushroom.

For a full written identification guide for Blusher mushrooms head over to the mushroom guide section of the site.

Happy Foraging Mushrooms
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