Fly Agaric - Foraging Mushrooms UK (Amanita Muscaria)

Through this video, we're going to take a look at how we can all safely forage for & identify the Fly Agaric mushroom.

These Wild Mushrooms can be foraged in plenty of different woodland locations and are often found growing in the mid season, around the time when we find porcini, they actually share very similar habitat and sometimes one can lead to finding the other. It's definitely worth getting used to this one as you'll find it very regularly.

We'll look at how to render this mushroom edible as well as some of the historic references to this wild mushrooms being foraged and used for it's halucinating properties.

For a full written identification guide for the Fly Agaric mushroom head over to the mushroom guide section of the site.

Happy Foraging Mushrooms
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