Fasulye: Syrian Comfort Food

It may not be quite that time of year yet when you start pulling out those slow-cooking, warm recipes, but it's never too early to get a head start on comfort food! Naomi is joined by Suzanne Sasson of Kitchen Caboodles (https://www.instagram.com/kitchencaboodles/?hl=en), as she learns how to make this soul-warming traditional Syrian stewsomething that Suzanne makes every Shabbat!

Get the recipe:

2 tablespoons oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 large cloves garlic, crushed, or 3 cubes Dorot Frozen Garlic
1/4 pound cubed veal or cubed flanken (I use I & D Glatts shish kabob cubed beef) and/or marrow bones
3 generous shakes Gefen Cinnamon
3 generous shakes allspice
2 (16-ounce) bags Gefen Great Northern Beans(soaked overnight with 1 tablespoon of salt per bag)
2 tablespoons salt (1 tablespoon per bag beans)
3/4 1 tube (7.5 ounces) Tuscanini Tomato Paste, to taste

For the full recipe, click here:

For more with Naomi Nachman, watch Sunny Side Up: https://www.kosher.com/shows/naomi-nachman-sunny-side-up-5
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