Farali Pattice- |Navratri Special| | Chef Cooking Studio

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It’s that time of the year again when idols of Goddess Durga are decorated and worshipped with all zeal and enthusiasm. Navratri is one of the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated twice a year all across the country. The devotees worship the nine different avatars of Goddess Durga for the nine days of Navratri.

People also observe fast to celebrate the auspicious festival of Navratri. If you are planning to fast too without sabotaging your health goals, here is a list of some easy food items that you can cook and enjoy at home.People also observe fast to celebrate the auspicious festival. During the fast people give up non-veg foods and also eliminate onion and garlic from their food. If you are also planning to keep Navratri fast this time, here is a list of some easy food items that you can cook and enjoy at home.


•Jeera Powder-1Tsp
•Red Chilly Powder-1Tsp
•Elaichi Powder-1Tsp
•Coriander Leaves-Few
•Rice Powder-30gms
•Buckwheat Flour-90gms
•Rock Salt-To Taste
•Dry Fruits-15gms
•Lemon Juice-5ml
•Ghee-For Shallow Frying

•Make a pattice using potatoes, jeera powder, red chilly powder, elaichi powder, coriander leaves, rice powder, buckwheat flour, rock salt & sugar.
•Make the stuffing using coconut, dry fruits, sugar, rock salt, lemon juice.
•Make small portions of the Pattice and put the stuffing inside the pattice mixture.
•Make neat round shaped pattice.
•Shallow fry it using ghee

---------------------Its hot and ready to be served!!!-----------------------------

Channel Created by Nitin Shetty & Tanai Salekar
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