Fajita Omelette Recipe By SooperChef

Fajita omelette made with K&N’s Fajita Toppingz ‘n Fillingz is perfect for fancy breakfast lovers. Serve your omelette with crispy buttery toasts and sour cream to make it fancier. Give this appetizing fajita omelette recipe a try and let us know how it turned out.

#FajitaOmelette #Omelette #SooperChef

K&N’s Fajita Toppingz n Fillingz as required
Eggs 3
Olive oil 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper (crushed) 1/2 tsp
Onion (chopped) 2 tbsp
Tomatoes (chopped) 2 tbsp
Fresh coriander (chopped) 2 tbsp
Green chilies (sliced) 2
Milk 1 tbsp
Cheddar cheese (grated) as required
Bread slices as required
Butter (soft) 1 tsp
Ingredients for sour cream:
Cream 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
White pepper powder 1/4 tsp
Milk 2 tbsp
Ingredients for garnish:
Tomatoes (chopped) as required
Onions (chopped) as required
Olives (sliced) as required
Jalapenos (sliced) as required
Green chilies (sliced) as required
In a bowl add eggs, milk, salt, black pepper, onion, tomatoes, coriander, green chilies and give it a good whisk.
For sour cream take a bowl add cream, milk, lemon juice, salt and white pepper. Give it a good whisk and leave for few hours until cream is thick. Your sour cream is ready. Set aside.
Take bread slices and spread butter on both sides. Toast your bread slices on a heated pan, each side for a minute. Take it off.
Prepare K&N’s Fajita Toppingz n Fillingz as per the instructions on the pack. Set aside.
For cooking omelet: In a frying pan heat oil and add egg mixture in it. Cook on low flame for 2 minutes.
Top half of it with prepared K&N’s Fajita Toppingz 'n Fillingz and cheese. And fold the rest half over the filling. Cover and let it simmer on low flame until cheese melts.
Top your omelet with prepared sour cream and garnish with onion, tomatoes, olives, jalapenos and green onion.
Delicious chicken fajita omelette is ready to serve. Serve with crispy toast.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 6-7 minutes
Serving: 3
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