{ENG SUB} DELICIOUS Tofu Fish Soup ★ 豆腐魚尾湯 簡單做法 | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽[豆腐魚尾湯] 有湯,有菜,有魚,食譜方便快捷,最適合上班一族!請吃前「相機食先」! 歡迎#mamacheungcooks 你的相片上我 Instagram和Facebook 交流。請LIKE,訂閱和按下鈴鐺功能,有任何新片或互動便會通知大家!謝謝!

Mama Cheung’s Tofu Fish Soup is a really easy and quick recipe with a 3-in-1 feature that will give you a delicious soup, tender fish as a side dish and silky tofu and veggies providing you a nutritious combo for you and our family! Remember to tag your fishballs #mamacheungcooks on my Instagram and Facebook @mamacheungcooks! Please give me a LIKE and smash that SUBSCRIBE + notification button for future alerts! Thank you for watching!

#張媽媽 #豆腐湯 #tofusoup

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Serves 4 people
食材份量 Ingredients

400g 鯇魚尾 400g Grass carp tail
小棠菜400克 400g Bok Choi
豆腐400克 400g Tofu

調味料: Seasoning:

4克鹽 4g salt
10克紹興酒 10g Xiaoxing wine

20克蔥粒 20g chopped spring onion
三片薑 3 thick slices of ginger
1.5公升水 1.5L water

配魚肉的豉油: Dipping sauce for the fish:

**15克生抽 15g soy sauce**
5克糖 5g sugar
5克麻油 5g sesame oil
少許胡椒粉 Pinch of white ground pepper

訂閱追蹤最新影片:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ 逢星期四有新片! New release every Thursday!

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