Easiest-Ever Microwave Caramel Popcorn

Who knew microwave popcorn could also be the easiest-ever caramel corn? This perfect popcorn is ideal as an after school snack, easy dessert or sweet movie night snack Youll thank us for this epic food hack later

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Full recipe:

Serves 2

Hands-on time: 5 minutes
Hands-off time: 10 minutes


cup IMBO Butterfly Popcorn
cup (100g) granulated sugar
2 tbsp (28ml) vegetable oil
tsp salt
2 tbsp (28g) butter


1. Add the IMBO Butterfly Popcorn kernels, sugar, oil and salt into an extra-large microwave-safe bowl.

2. Stir the kernels to coat evenly in the sugar mixture.

3. Add the butter into the mixture and cover the bowl with a heatproof plate or microwave-safe lid, allowing enough space for the popping.

4. Microwave the popcorn kernels for about 5 minutes on a medium heat. When the pops are 5 seconds apart, your popcorn is ready. Stay close to ensure the popcorn does not burn.

5. Using oven gloves, remove the bowl from the microwave and take the plate or lid off carefully.

6. Pour the caramel popcorn out into a bowl and allow to cool for 2 minutes. Serve and ENJOY!

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